It's about time for a new post!
This is our (Liz and I) New Years' Eve! We flew into LAX on NYE, and after some terrifying cab rides and primping and general OMG-we're-in-LA-freaking out we headed out to the Viper Room for a night of The Binges/Rhinobucket/Head Cat.
The Binges were amazing and the absolute cutest Punky band I have ever witnessed. I would like to put them in a box and keep it in my closet, and take them out when I need a good dose of ridiculously cute punk. I highly recommend checking them out.
Rhinobucket was interesting. I talked to one of them and he seemed not to like me one bit. Or maybe that was him being the aloof rock star... So, I made him feel old. Not entirely on purpose... quite by accident. But looking back, I'm glad. Ha! The one good thing about them is their bass player's dimples. That, in my opinion, saves them.
And Head Cat was, of course, amazing. Lemmy from Motorhead, Slim Jim from the Stray Cats, and Danny from.....
They were lovely lovely lovely, and Slim Jim has not changed one bit since the Eighties. LURVE!
It was absolutely wonderous to spend the New Year in short sleeves. Lizzie and I decided that every NYE from now on should be spent on Sunset Blvd.
Time for workout! Day 2 Tomorrow!