Friday, February 26, 2010

What's Next.

Although, it shouldn't be next as I barely have a handle on the Ukulele... it's going to be. I have a music problem. I keep buying bits and pieces, and now I've found a lovely little shop in Kingston that supplies all those bits and pieces. I just put a USB audio interface on hold. I've never used one and I don't know how to use one (in fact I just found out what it looks like), but I'm sure I can figure it out (if you know, please let me know!). Now I have my eye on a Fender banjo that I spotted in the city. I only just touched a banjo for the very first time last weekend. But it only has five strings! How hard can it possibly be?! And that is why I have a problem. "How hard can it possibly be?" and then WHAM. I buy it.
Over the past few weeks I have purchased a laptop (solely for musicalish purposes), a new mic, a few stands, numerous strings for various instruments, etc. I go to shows not to see a show but to hear different types of lyric writing and different styles of guitar playing.
So, here is what inspires me lately (and helps add to my new little addiction...).