Friday, October 9, 2009

Rainy Birthday Friday

Bugs has turned two! And as it was a chilly, rainy (however, lovely with the amazing New England foliage), somewhat gloomy day, all we did was take naps and bake. I found a good recipe for Pumpkin Cupcakes on the back of a Jiffy box (I don't think I've mentioned how much I love Jiffy mixes... I do love them. They are more or less all purpose, inexpensive and VINTAGE! Well... vintage-looking...).
I wish I could remember what I put in the apple crisp. I believe it was apples, frozen organic raspberries, sucanat (a natural, organic sugar substitute), and the top was a mix of quick-oats, brown sugar, a little cinnamon, nutmeg and butter. Then I baked it until it "looked done" and the house smelled like fall. I tend to leave baking to fate, but so far that has worked for me. I am far less likely to actually follow a recipe, or leave it be and not tamper with it. There's a good recipe here. And if you add a bag of frozen strawberries, or blueberries, or pineapple, or mango, or raspberries to the mix, you are to be congratulated on your adventurous spirit. Keep up the good work.

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