Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am so excited my eyes are watering.

One of my favorite things in all the world is Urban Exploration and abandoned places and things. And as I've been sick and computer-ridden (somewhat like bed-ridden except I am glued to the computer...) as of late, I've been doing some research on abandoned places in New England.
First of all, there are BUCKETS of abandoned mental hospitals in my area, which I was somewhat aware of, but I hadn't realized just how many there are. I wanted to kick someone (preferably someone who had something to do with the following and not just any person...) when I found out how many of these historic and architecturally fascinating places had been demolished. Fortunately, there are quite a few still standing.
I fell in love with this site- abandoned but not forgotten
And this one- Fallout
And tomorrow my plan is to visit some of the places in the pictures above, and get some history on them.


  1. dude, me and you, LET'S GO! i've ALWAYS wanted to do this!! what's your schedule like?

  2. absolutely! i'll let you know when i'm going again!
